What is Hanuman the god of?

Hanuman is known as, the mighty monkey god. Hanuman is revered as a symbol of strength, devotion, and loyalty. With his extraordinary powers and unwavering dedication, Hanuman has become an iconic figure in Hinduism. Through this article, we will narrate what is Hanuman and what is hanuman the god and we will explore the fascinating world of Hanuman, his divine attributes, and his role in Hindu mythology.

Hanuman: The Son of the Wind God

picture of wind god

Hanuman, also known as Anjaneya or Maruti, is believed to be the son of the wind god, Vayu, and Anjana, a celestial nymph. According to Hindu scriptures, Hanuman was born with incredible strength and agility, making him a formidable warrior. As a child, Hanuman was mischievous and playful, often using his powers to create havoc. However, as he grew older, his true purpose and destiny were revealed.

The Devotion of Hanuman

hanuman showing devotion to ram

One of the most remarkable aspects of Hanuman’s character is his unwavering devotion to Lord Rama, the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu. Hanuman’s devotion to Lord Rama is considered unparalleled and serves as an inspiration to devotees worldwide. Hanuman’s loyalty and dedication are beautifully depicted in the Hindu epic, the Ramayana, where he plays a crucial role in the rescue of Lord Rama’s wife, Sita, from the demon king, Ravana.

Hanuman’s Divine Powers

=picture showing hanuman Devine power

Hanuman possesses a range of divine powers that make him an extraordinary deity in Hindu mythology. Some of his notable powers include:

Superhuman Strength: Hanuman’s strength is unmatched, and he is often depicted lifting mountains, uprooting trees, and overpowering his enemies effortlessly.

Ability to Change Size: Hanuman has the ability to alter his size at will. He can shrink himself to the size of a tiny insect or expand to colossal proportions.

Flight: With his divine powers, Hanuman can fly through the air with great speed and agility. He is often depicted soaring across the skies, carrying Lord Rama and his brother, Lakshmana, on his shoulders.

Immortality: Hanuman is believed to be immortal, blessed with eternal life by various gods and goddesses.

Hanuman’s Symbolism and Worship

showing hanuman worship

Hanuman is revered as a symbol of strength, courage, and devotion. He is considered the epitome of selfless service and loyalty. Hanuman is often depicted in a humanoid form with a monkey face, symbolizing the union of the divine and animalistic aspects of existence. His image is widely worshipped in temples and households, particularly on Tuesdays and Saturdays, which are considered auspicious days for Hanuman worship. And by relating all this evidence we can understand what is Hanuman the god of


Hanuman, the mighty monkey god of Hindu mythology, continues to captivate the hearts and minds of millions of devotees worldwide. His unwavering devotion, incredible powers, and symbolic significance make him an iconic figure in Hinduism. Through his inspiring tale, Hanuman teaches us the virtues of loyalty, courage, and selfless service. Whether worshipped for spiritual guidance or sought for protection, Hanuman remains a beloved deity who embodies the triumph of good over evil.S

So, let us embrace the power of Hanuman and seek his blessings in our lives, as we navigate the challenges and obstacles that come our way. May his strength, devotion, and unwavering loyalty inspire us to be the best versions of ourselves.

Remember, Hanuman’s story is not just a myth but a timeless reminder of the power of faith and the triumph of good over evil. Let us honor Hanuman and his teachings by incorporating his values into our own lives.

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Shayantan Biswas, a devout follower of Sanatana Dharma, finds solace and inspiration in the timeless tales of Ramayana and the devotion to Hanumanji. Through his passion for research and love for these sacred texts, he shares profound insights via blogging, aiming to enlighten and inspire others on their spiritual path.