What is the Curse of Hanuman?

Hanuman the Legendary god. Ramayana have made him a beloved figure among devotees. However, even the mighty Hanuman was not immune to the consequences of his actions. In this article, we will explore Hanuman?, a tale that teaches us the importance of humility and the consequences of pride.

The Story of Hanuman’s Curse

The curse of Hanuman originates from an incident during Lord Rama’s battle against the demon king Ravana. As the loyal servant of Lord Rama, Hanuman played a crucial role in the war. He possessed incredible strength and was capable of performing extraordinary feats. During one particular battle, Hanuman’s ego and pride got the better of him.

As the battle raged on, Ravana’s son Indrajit, a formidable warrior, launched a powerful weapon at Hanuman. In his arrogance, Hanuman allowed the weapon to strike him, believing that it would have no effect on him. However, to his surprise, the weapon wounded him, causing him immense pain.

Realizing his mistake and the consequences of his pride, Hanuman humbled himself before Lord Rama and sought forgiveness. Lord Rama, in his infinite wisdom, understood the importance of teaching Hanuman a lesson in humility. He decided to bless Hanuman with a curse that would remind him of the consequences of pride.

The Curse and Its Consequences

Lord Rama cursed Hanuman, stating that he would forget his immense powers and abilities until someone reminded him of them. This curse would serve as a constant reminder for Hanuman to remain humble and never let pride cloud his judgment.

As a result of the curse, Hanuman’s memory of his divine powers and abilities was temporarily erased. He continued to serve Lord Rama and played a vital role in the events that unfolded in the Ramayana, but he did so without the awareness of his extraordinary capabilities.

It was only when Hanuman encountered Lord Rama’s brother, Lakshmana, during the search for Lord Rama’s wife, Sita, that his memory was restored. Lakshmana reminded Hanuman of his true nature and the incredible feats he was capable of. With his memory restored, Hanuman continued his devoted service to Lord Rama with renewed vigor and humility.

The Lesson of Humility

The curse of Hanuman serves as a powerful lesson in humility. It reminds us that even the most powerful and divine beings can be susceptible to pride and arrogance. Hanuman’s momentary lapse in judgment and subsequent curse highlight the importance of remaining grounded and humble in the face of our own accomplishments and abilities.

Through his curse, Hanuman learned the value of humility and the consequences of pride. It taught him to approach every task and situation with a sense of humility and gratitude, acknowledging that his abilities were not solely his own but were bestowed upon him by a higher power.


The answer of, what is the curse of Hanuman. Reminder that even the mightiest of beings can fall prey to pride and arrogance. Hanuman’s temporary loss of memory and subsequent restoration serve as a powerful lesson in humility and the consequences of letting pride cloud our judgment.

As we navigate our own lives, it is essential to remember the tale of Hanuman and the curse he endured. By embracing humility and acknowledging the source of our abilities and accomplishments, we can avoid the pitfalls of pride and lead a life of true devotion and selflessness.

Let the curse of Hanuman be a constant reminder to remain humble, grateful, and ever-aware of the divine forces that guide us.

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Shayantan Biswas, a devout follower of Sanatana Dharma, finds solace and inspiration in the timeless tales of Ramayana and the devotion to Hanumanji. Through his passion for research and love for these sacred texts, he shares profound insights via blogging, aiming to enlighten and inspire others on their spiritual path.