What is the real age of Hanuman?

 Hanuman’s age has been a subject of curiosity among devotees. A handful of scholar says he is still present with us. To state this point there are many misconception about What is the real age of Hanuman? To find out , we will explore the concept of time in relation to Hanuman and delve into the question of his real age.

The Concept of Time in Hindu Mythology

In Hindu mythology, time is not perceived in the same linear manner as in our everyday lives. It is believed that time operates differently in the realm of the divine. The gods and celestial beings are not bound by the constraints of time as we mortals are.

Hanuman’s Immortality

Hanuman, being a divine being, possesses immortality. As an incarnation of Lord Shiva, he is blessed with eternal life. Immortality implies that Hanuman exists beyond the limitations of time and age. He is not subject to the cycle of birth and death like ordinary beings.

Hanuman’s Age in the Ramayana

In the epic Ramayana, the answer of What is the real age of Hanuman?, can not be answered in one word. However, it is believed that Hanuman was present during Lord Rama’s incarnation, which occurred in the Treta Yuga, an ancient epoch in Hindu cosmology. The Treta Yuga is said to have lasted for thousands of years.

Considering Hanuman’s presence during Lord Rama’s time, it can be inferred that his age spans across multiple Yugas, making him thousands of years old. However, it is important to note that the concept of age in relation to divine beings is not bound by the same parameters as mortal beings.

Hanuman’s Timelessness

Hanuman’s age cannot be measured in the same way we measure the age of humans. He exists beyond the limitations of time and is considered timeless. His devotion and service to Lord Rama have granted him eternal existence.

Hanuman’s timelessness is a testament to his divine nature and his unwavering devotion. It signifies his transcendence of the temporal world and his connection to the eternal.


While the exact numerical age of Hanuman may be unknown, it is clear that he exists beyond the constraints of time. As a divine being and an embodiment of devotion, Hanuman’s age is not measured in years but in the depth of his unwavering love for Lord Rama.

Let us embrace the timelessness of Hanuman and draw inspiration from his devotion and selflessness. May his eternal presence continue to guide and inspire us on our own spiritual journeys.

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Shayantan Biswas, a devout follower of Sanatana Dharma, finds solace and inspiration in the timeless tales of Ramayana and the devotion to Hanumanji. Through his passion for research and love for these sacred texts, he shares profound insights via blogging, aiming to enlighten and inspire others on their spiritual path.