Which Son of Ravana Was Killed by Hanuman?

Ravana, the powerful demon king, had several sons who possessed remarkable skills and abilities. Furthermore the there was time when Hanuman killed one of his son. So, Which son of Ravana was killed by Hanuman? It is Indrajit, also known as Meghanada, was one of his most formidable offspring. Gifted with exceptional combat skills and magical powers, Indrajit was a fearsome warrior who had never tasted defeat on the battlefield. His mastery over celestial weapons and his ability to perform complex rituals made him an adversary to be reckoned with.

Hanuman’s Mission and the Battle Strategy

Lord Hanuman, a devoted disciple of Lord Ram, embarked on a mission to rescue Ram’s wife, Sita, who had been abducted by Ravana. Hanuman’s primary objective was to locate Sita and deliver a message of hope and reassurance from Ram. As Hanuman infiltrated Lanka, the kingdom of Ravana, he encountered numerous obstacles and adversaries, including the mighty Indrajit.

Aware of Indrajit’s formidable powers, Hanuman devised a battle strategy that would test the limits of his own strength and cunning. He knew that defeating Indrajit was crucial to weakening Ravana’s forces and ultimately rescuing Sita.

The Epic Battle: Hanuman vs. Indrajit

Now coming to the question which son of Ravana was killed by Hanuman? The scripture says, as Hanuman confronted Indrajit on the battlefield, a fierce clash of powers ensued. Indrajit unleashed a barrage of celestial weapons, displaying his mastery over the mystical arts. However, Hanuman’s unwavering devotion to Lord Ram and his own divine abilities allowed him to counter each attack with equal force and resilience.

The battle between Hanuman and Indrajit was a spectacle of supernatural strength and strategic prowess. Hanuman’s agility and speed, combined with his ability to change his size at will, kept Indrajit on his toes. With each blow, Hanuman pushed Indrajit to his limits, forcing him to tap into his most potent arsenal of weapons and spells.

Hanuman’s Ingenious Tactics

Despite Indrajit’s formidable powers, Hanuman’s ingenuity and resourcefulness proved to be his greatest assets. Realizing that Indrajit drew his strength from performing a ritual sacrifice to the goddess Nikumbhila, Hanuman devised a plan to disrupt the ritual and weaken his opponent.

Under the cover of darkness, Hanuman stealthily approached the sacrificial site and disrupted the ritual, causing chaos and confusion. This interruption weakened Indrajit’s connection to his divine powers, leaving him vulnerable to Hanuman’s relentless attacks.

The Final Blow: Indrajit’s Defeat

With Indrajit’s powers diminished, Hanuman seized the opportunity to deliver the final blow. He unleashed a powerful assault, overwhelming Indrajit with his sheer strength and determination. Despite Indrajit’s valiant efforts to defend himself, he could not withstand the relentless onslaught of Hanuman’s divine fury.

In a climactic moment, Hanuman struck Indrajit with a mighty blow, incapacitating him and rendering him unconscious. The defeat of Indrajit sent shockwaves through Ravana’s kingdom, demoralizing his forces and weakening their resolve.

The Aftermath: Hanuman’s Triumph and Ravana’s Desperation

Hanuman’s victory over Indrajit was a turning point in the battle against Ravana. The news of Indrajit’s defeat spread like wildfire, instilling a sense of hope and renewed determination among Lord Ram’s allies. Ravana, witnessing the fall of his valiant son, was consumed by desperation and fear, realizing that his empire was on the brink of collapse.


The epic battle between Hanuman and Indrajit stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit and unwavering devotion of the monkey god. Hanuman’s triumph over Ravana’s mighty son showcased his extraordinary strength, strategic brilliance, and divine blessings. Through his heroic feats, Hanuman played a crucial role in the eventual victory of Lord Ram and the restoration of righteousness.

As we conclude this enthralling tale, let us remember the courage and determination displayed by Hanuman. His unwavering devotion to Lord Ram and his relentless pursuit of justice serve as an inspiration for all. May we draw strength fromthe mighty Hanuman’s triumph and strive to emulate his virtues of loyalty, courage, and selflessness in our own lives.

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Shayantan Biswas, a devout follower of Sanatana Dharma, finds solace and inspiration in the timeless tales of Ramayana and the devotion to Hanumanji. Through his passion for research and love for these sacred texts, he shares profound insights via blogging, aiming to enlighten and inspire others on their spiritual path.